Residue is a three-episode British television production released by Netflix and directed by Alex Garcia Lopez, who is known for his work on series including Misfits and Utopia. Residue is a dystopian sci-fi thriller centered on the life of photojournalist Jennifer Preston after a mysterious explosion in the city center of a metropolis. The series has been dubbed into Spanish, German and French. Filming took place in Hong Kong, London and Yorkshire.
After a huge explosion in a nightclub on New Year's Eve, the government quarantines a large area of the city, citing a bioweapon contamination. Photo-journalist Jennifer Preston investigates a series of subsequent mysterious events occurring in the surrounding regions of this unnamed English metropolis. She encounters a web of lies concerning paranormal phenomena emanating from the quarantine zone, which the government is trying to keep secret.
Episode 1 After an explosion tears apart an English city, photo-journalist Jennifer Preston notices people acting strangely, and ghostly images in her pictures.
Episode 2 Jennifer has trouble convincing her boyfriend Jonas of the ghostly phenomena until he learns that his colleagues at the Home Office have lied to him.
Episode 3 When Jonas vanishes and police officer Levi Mathis becomes the prime suspect in a murder, Jennifer discovers that the conspiracy is greater than she ever imagined.
Video Residue (TV series)
- Rotten tomatoes gives it a 64% with an average score of 3.7/5
- 'They used a film model in the TV space, they had a good storyline' [...], says Ford
- 'Residue': Netflix's New Dystopian Show Is 'Black Mirror' With 'Game of Thrones' Cast
- 'The first episode of the show starts out with a bang -- literally'.
Maps Residue (TV series)
External links
- Official website:
- Facebook presence
- Residue on IMDb
- Alex Garcia Lopez on IMDB: from September 2, 2015
- Offizieller Trailer on You-Tube:
- Blog Al Hardiman:
Source of the article : Wikipedia